Your Privacy Is Important To Us
Armajun Aboriginal Health Service has a Privacy and Confidentiality Policy in place to protect your personal and private information when you use this Service.
As a client of this Service, your file will only be seen by the relevant staff providing you with services.
All of our staff are legally bound by privacy provisions within Commonwealth and State Legislation and the Armajun AHS Confidentiality Policy. All information relating to our clients is protected and can only be seen or discussed when you (the client) are visiting one of our service providers.
If you think that your privacy has been breached you are encouraged to make a complaint to the Chief Executive Officer on 02 6721 9777 who will advise you on the appropriate process that will need to be taken.
If you are unhappy with the outcome you can contact the Aboriginal Liaison Officer at the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission on 1800 043 159 or refer the matter to the office of the NSW Privacy Commissioner on 02 9228 8585.