
The Armajun Aboriginal Health Service is a  community based not for-profit Aboriginal Corporation.  Armajun is the ONLY Aboriginal organisation offering health care services in the northern New England region that is governed by local Aboriginal people for Aboriginal people. 

Armajun is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) and is affiliated with the Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales (AH&MRC) who act as the peak representative body and voice of Aboriginal communities on health in NSW.  The AH&MRC represent over 45 ACCHS member services that deliver culturally appropriate comprehensive primary health care to their communities.

Armajun has a voluntary Board that is elected from its membership. Armajun also holds annual Community Consultations with each community we service (Tenterfield, Ashford, Inverell, Tingha, Glen Innes, Guyra, Armidale, Uralla and Walcha) where information about Armajun services is provided, and feedback on the performance and any gaps or unmet needs are sought from community members to guide future service planning.

Armajun Aboriginal Health Service Inc. was opened at 152 Otho Street Inverell on the 19th September 2005.  Initially, Armajun Aboriginal Health Service Inc. was auspiced by the Pat Dixon Centre in Armidale (an ACHHS).  In 2008 Bulgarr Ngaru Medical Aboriginal Corporation (also an ACCHS) based in Grafton became the auspice body. A local (Inverell based) Armajun Board has been operating since inception of the service as an Incorporated Association under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act (2009) administered by the NSW Department of Fair Trading.  From the 1st September 2013 Armajun became independent of its auspice organisation and the legal entity of Armajun Aboriginal Health Services. On the 20th August 2015 Armajun and became an Aboriginal Corporation under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 as administered by the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC).

Armajun Inverell relocated to 1 Rivers Street, on 31st January 2011. Extensive renovations were undertaken over the years until the service moved into the new purpose build Armajun owned premise at 3 Rivers Street on the 82th June 2021. Construction commenced in February 2020 and utilised local builders and suppliers at a total cost (including land purchase) of $6 million.  The new premise was funded from Armajun reserves and $2.1 million received through the Building Better Regions Fund – Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

 The Tingha outreach service commenced on the 23rd March 2010.  Initially operating from the Tingha MPS it relocated to the BEST Access Centre in September 2015.

The Glen Innes outreach service commenced on the 17th March 2014 from the old Baby Health Clinic on the corner of Bourke and East Avenue in the King Edward Park.  The Glen Innes service relocated from 16 East Avenue to 181 Lang Street on the 20th September 2016.  The relocation was made possible by the generous offer of the Glen Innes Local Aboriginal Land Council to make space available on their premises for Armajun.  Armajun is very appreciative of the ongoing support provided by the Glen Innes LALC.

The Tenterfield outreach service commenced on the 13th October 2014 and were initially co-located with The Benevolent Society before moving into their own premises at 141 High Street Tenterfield from the 17th September 2015.

Armajun Aboriginal Health Service commenced providing services in Armidale on the 9th May 2016.  The service was initially located at 100 Taylor Street, The Pat Dixon Medical Centre.  Unfortunately Armajun was unable to come to an agreement with the custodians of the building - Armidale Aboriginal Health Service Inc Board.  The difficult decision was made to relocate the service commencing from January 2017 operating from 213 Rusden Street Armidale.  

Armajun Aboriginal Health Service is accredited with the Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) in Inverell, Armidale and Glen Innes, and the Australian Dental Association (QIP Accreditation) for Inverell and outreach services.  In 2020 Armajun became provisionally accredited as a designated agency under the Children’s Guardian Act 2019 to provide statutory out-of-home care services for children.  The service actively conducts continuous improvement activities to ensure continued and enhanced compliance with the Quality Standards.  

The Aboriginal word ‘Armajun’ comes from the Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay language and means “Open Minded

The Artwork used by Armajun to promote and raise our community profile was produced by Rod McIntosh an artist from Tenterfield who was successful in winning an Art Competition held in 2014.

The painting titled “HEALING” represents the work and support Armajun provides to their clients. Earthy colours were used to represent the land, with the main campsite in the centre representing Armajun. From the main campsite there are tracks leading to other campsites which represents Armajun travelling to our local communities. The two human figures represent people reaching out and being involved linking with Armajun which portray togetherness, happiness & celebration. The leaves around the outside of the painting are Eurah leaves representing traditional bush medicine and are well known for their healing properties.