Armajun Aboriginal Health Service is a community based not-for-profit Aboriginal Corporation. Armajun is the ONLY Aboriginal health care service in northern New England region that is governed by local Aboriginal people for Aboriginal people. The Armajun AHS is registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.
The Armajun Aboriginal Health Service is a community controlled health service (ACCHS). Essentially, community control is the ability of the people who are going to use the health service to determine the nature of that service, as well as participate in the planning, implementation and evaluation of that service. Inherent to this philosophy is the principle that Aboriginal people must be able to determine and control all aspects of change and decision-making at all levels.
Community control of an Aboriginal Corporation such as the Armajun AHS occurs through the opportunity for members of an Aboriginal community to register as members of the Aboriginal Corporation. Members can then elect a Board of Directors who provide input into the management of Armajun AHS. This means members can nominate or be nominated as Board Directors, and then vote for the nominees that they want as Board Directors for Armajun AHS.
To become a member of the Armajun AHS you must be of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, over 18 years and reside in the Armajun AHS service area. You must fill out an application form (obtained from the Armajun AHS) which must then be approved by the Board of Directors.
Armajun has a voluntary Board that is elected from its membership. The service holds regular community consultations where information about Armajun services is provided and feedback on the performance and any gaps or unmet needs are sought from community members to guide future service planning.
View Board and Management Team