Eligibility to Receive Services

Armajun Aboriginal Health Service is funded by the Australian Government to provide primary health care services for people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. Our funding agreement and reporting requirements with the Government set limitations on who we are able to provide our services to. Accordingly, we are funded to provide services only to:

  • People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and their partners and children (partners may be of non-Aboriginal/Torres Strait islander descent).

To receive services at Armajun all clients are asked to provide evidence of Confirmation of Aboriginality.

This may be provided by:

  • A written “Confirmation of Aboriginality” document from an acceptable organisation.

Community organisations whose confirmation is usually considered as being acceptable are:

  • An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisation that is incorporated with the Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal Corporations.
  • An incorporated community organisation where all members of the governing body are Aboriginal persons or Torres Strait Islanders or both.

These community organisations will not provide confirmation unless they have evidence before them that the applicant is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person and that he or she identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander; and that the applicant has community recognition.