Clients Rights & Responsibilities
Clients are entitled to:
- Be treated with dignity, respect and courtesy by all staff, students and volunteers of the organisation.
- Receive safe, competent, high quality health care and be involved in your treatment planning and decision making.
- Ask questions about what you are consenting to and the information you are providing.
- Have your cultural, religious, and social needs, values and beliefs considered with dignity and respect.
- Confidentiality of your health and personal details, unless consent is provided to share information or there are safety concerns about you or someone else.
- Provide or withhold consent for treatment.
- Be informed of cost of services provided by the organisation and/or for referral services.
- Provide feedback on services provided and make a comment or complaint without experiencing any adverse consequences.
- Make a complaint if you feel your rights have been denied or you have received sub-standard care.
- Be informed of religious or other affiliation that the organisation has and how or if this plays any role in the service provided to you.
- Withdraw from the service at any time.
Clients are expected to:
- Treat staff, students, volunteers and other clients with respect, dignity and courtesy.
- Provide information about your health, changes in your medical condition or anything else that might impact on your care.
- Ask questions if you do not fully understand issues or procedures.
- Tell staff if you have any concerns regarding your care so they can respond.
- Contribute to our treatment planning.
- Participate in your treatment to the best of your ability.
- Keep appointments or let us know when you are unable to attend.
- Advise Armajun of any changes to your address, contact details or Medicare.
- Be aware that you may need to wait for attention or treatment at times if staff are attending other clients.
- Accept that your health information may be shared with appropriate agencies (with your permission) as authorised by law such as Centrelink or WorkCover.
- Respect the privacy of others.