Inverell doctor honoured at GP Synergy Awards night

The statement ‘it takes teamwork to train the next generation of general practitioners’ was apparent at GP Synergy’s awards night on Tuesday.

The annual event is held to recognise outstanding GP registrars, GP supervisors, practice managers and GP Synergy staff.

“I feel extremely grateful for the acknowledgement, Armajun Aboriginal Health Service became an accredited GP training practice a number of years ago and has assisted more than a dozen GP registrars in becoming specialist GPs.

“We’ve guided them to develop the understanding, empathy and capacity required to deliver culturally competent services to Aboriginal people,” Dr Fomiatti said.

Armajun Aboriginal Health Service delivers clinical services to the Aboriginal communities of Tenterfield, Glen Innes, Armidale, Walcha, Tingha and Inverell.

“The registrars who work with us develop skills in prevention, early detection and early management of chronic diseases.

“In turn, the commitment and dedication of the GP registrars who’ve trained with us is highly valued by the organisation and community we serve,” she said.

GP Synergy chief executive of local general practice education and training John Oldfield said the awards recognise excellence and ongoing commitment to quality general practice education and training.

“There are currently more than 90 registrars in training in New England/Northwest that rely heavily on local GPs and accredited general practices to ensure GP registrars receive the training they require to understand and meet the needs of local communities.

“There are 45 accredited training practices across the New England/Northwest training sub-region, including eight Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service facilities.

“GP Synergy works to ensure GP registrars achieve the best training to serve local communities, including understanding the complexities and opportunities that working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health offers,” he said.